- The star sign Scorpio is mostly linked with darkness, evil and the unknown.
- Scorpios are considered as the toughest of all the signs, but it is also predicted by astrologers that people with the Scorpio sign will often have issues with the rectum, genitals and the bladder.
- The constellation of the Sagittarius is one of the oldest recognized constellations in the world.
- The people associated with the Sagittarius star are known to not sit idly. They are predicted to change their jobs, residential locations and positions often,
- Capricorns are the martyrs of nature; they are linked with the naturally occurring tendency to be a martyr.

ELG21/Pixabay. Capricorns are known to be punishing towards their partners.
- Another interesting facet of the Capricorn personality is that they will often punish their partners by starving them with sex, attention and love. They would even withhold money to exercise their power and dominance over others.
- Uranus rules the star sign Aquarius, which is predicted to have tendencies of a genius.
- Nostradamus, the famous astrologer, had correctly predicted the Third Reich, the French Revolution and the September 11,2001 attacks.

kalyanayahaluwo /Pixabay. Pisceans are spiritual and soulful.
- The pisces star is often linked with a blissful domestic life, and is mostly a religious and spiritual person.
- Spiritual healers and people practicing natural medicine have advised people with star sign Pisces to avoid alcohol, as the Pisces star has a tendency for addiction
- The Zodiac Killer from Northern California would take credit for several murders by sending letters to the newspapers. The Zodiac Killer was never caught by the police.
- The Planetarium Associate of Minnesota proposed that the current zodiac should be moved forward by a month. Due to the movement of the Earth’s spin axis, the position of the planets has changed with respect to the earth, and that warrants a change in the current zodiac as well. The Planetarium also proposed an additional sign to be added to the zodiac, which they named the Ophiucus. However, their recommendations were not agreed to by the astrology community around the Western world

kamilgrygo/Pixabay. Both astrology and astronomy involved stargazing for centuries.
- For hundreds of years, astrology and astronomy were considered to be one and the same things, as both involved star gazing and looking at signs through movement of planets. The 17th century astronomer Johannes Kepler was considered an astrologer of his time, because he studied the motion of the planets.
- The differentiation between astrology and astronomy in the Age of Enlightenment, during the late 17th